Life, mental health, motherhood

Middle of the Week Burnout: Motherhood

When you become a parent. You have these worries that never leave you. From the moment you’re pregnant. All the what ifs, the dos and don’ts. Then, your little one comes into this world. They’re in your arms and the worry has now escalated. You’re responsible to raise a tiny person into a world full of obstacles. You want them to be better than you ever were. You start to thing it’ll be everything you ever imagine…til it’s not.

Everyone’s situation is unique from parenting differently to raising our little ones that have different personalities and struggles. You struggle inside with the exhaustion, the constant am I good enough, and the guilt of everything you probably did wrong that day. You’re touched out, overstimulated, doing the things you had promised you’d never do. Well, that’s just it. Parenthood, a whirl wind.

For me, weekends come along where I’m off from work and I’m busy figuring out how to entertain my older son with autism. He’s obsessed with his iPad and few toys keep him entertained. He likes all the messy things. Slime, paint, markers and playing with water. Winters in NY are long so we set up the little trampoline to tire him out. Our youngest attempts to do all the things brother does and though his curiosity is lovely it ends up with us wrestling him to stop climbing everywhere to touch everything. Nice things? Probably won’t last long with those little fingers. I can’t tell you all how many charging cables we’ve gone through in the past year alone.

Monday comes along and school comes along for my older son. I’m grateful since he loves it and goes without a hitch to some wonderful people. Five hours doesn’t seem enough. Between cleaning, studying, working, chasing a 2 year old or running errands. My whole day is a blur and school is over.

Wednesdays is when exhaustion sets in. The burnout and relief. Husband is off that night and the next day. Although my most productive days. They’re also when I’ve reached peak lack of patience. I spend most of it recovering from the weekend. The laundry piling. The toys that are always out the disheveled mind and house. I lose myself in it all.

Are there good days? Yes. That’s why I focus on having some self care. To remember that I matter. That I do love my boys and watching them grow up together and that they’re loved, cared for and counting on us to be there and watching their dad play and be silly with them are moments I recall the most. How lucky they are to have my parents and watch their faces light up when they see their grandkids. It’s wonderful.

But burnouts happen. You feel less than yourself and it’s okay. Cry. Scream into a pillow. Take a moment for yourself. This isn’t perfect journey. You’re learning just as much as they are. A little grace goes a long way. Haven’t you earned yourself that?

Parenthood is hard. Motherhood can be lonely and hopeless at times. Other times it’s about the love, giggles and smiles. Or holding their small hands in yours and wondering how long will this last. But, everyday you wake up and you do it all over again.

Affiliate Links, Discounts, Life, Product Review

Wonderfold Luxe: Few Weeks Later

After a few weeks of owning our Wonderfold. I wanted to give you all an update. Adventures have been a breeze with it. We eventually bought their snack tray for the kids since it made perfect sense for our boys. Kids. They’re always snacking and hydrating.

Overall the kids love it and we love it. We plan on purchasing more accessories in the future to continuing enhancing our experience with it. I do plan to post more photos with the kids and our adventures in the future. You can check them out on our socials. Our initial impressions is posted on my blog. Those haven’t changed and continue to be the reason we truly love having the wonderfold. Especially with our older son who’s autistic. He feels more secured when strapped in. He likes to look around every once in a while and it keeps him safe from running off. In our previous wagon he was too big and tall which made it unsafe. I couldn’t be more proud to be an affiliate to a wonderful product for parents.

If you or anyone you know is interested feel free to check it out here with my affiliate link: Wonderfold or use the code Sori for a discount! Feel free to comment or reach out with any question or concerns. Much love and stay sweet everyone!

Affiliate Links, Discounts, Product Review

Wonderfold Wagon Luxe: First Impressions

Mother of two kids can get hectic sometimes. My old son who’s now 4 is 3’6 or even a little over. And my 1 year old doesn’t like to be held as much when we are out. We had bought the baby trend wagon which was nice at first but it was hard for the boys to share and they weren’t strapped in since they didn’t have much space. As many know my 4 year old is on the spectrum and needs constant adult supervision. This makes going out to run errands on my own difficult or traveling with both kids highly unlikely unless I have my husband or someone else with me.

I came across Wonderfold and was excited to see how both the kids would fit and be strapped in with a harness. The canopy would block out a good amount of sun. Thus I started to compare all the types they had and settled for the Luxe W4. I was grateful they provided a special needs discount to help us save a bit and was one of the deciding factors for us to buy one. To receive this discount, they have a form which you bring to your child’s physician to fill out. Upload the form and you’ll hear back within 7-10 business days.

The wagon is spacious and feels solid. Putting it together wasn’t too hard. Definitely easier if there’s two people involved. It holds about 4 kids but with my 4 year old it’ll be 3 in case we have anyone along. The harness keeps both kids secured and with the all terrain wheels it’s ready to go!

Shopping with the W4 Luxe

The kids loved it overall and my husband was impressed with how easy it is to have both the kids safely in the wagon without a hassle. It’s definitely a hit with us!

Of course things come with its minor cons. But this one is more car related. I highly recommend measuring your car space before purchasing and checking the dimensions on Wonderfold’s website. I would imagine a full size SUV fits this easily. As a Tesla Model Y owner. It was a hassle to figure this out. We initially folded it and put it inside and at first it didn’t fit at all. I lost hope until my husband removed the wheels. This can be done easily since the back wheels have a piece that holds it together on each side. The front wheels you need either a small key or tool and they slide right off. We put the wheels to the side and it fit perfect inside! This is obviously a lot of steps but it was the only compromise we had to face due to limited trunk space.

Overall this wagon has been perfect for our family and outings so far. With summer coming around and traveling plans. I do plan on taking this everywhere I go for our needs and adventures.

If you’re interested in purchasing a Wonderfold wagon or wish to know more click this link to find out more about their options and find what’s perfect for you. Ready to checkout? Use the code Sori for a discount! I’ll be posting more updates and adventures on my Instagram with it. So feel free to follow me below on my social links. Much love and stay sweet everyone!

Hobbies, Life, Tarot/Card Readings

Christmas Eve: A Break from Knowledge

Can’t believe it’s almost the end of year. and today is my first day break from college! It’s rough doing part time work, college, two kids and everything else in life. Although it’s two weeks. I’ll be looking into the classes a week before to outline my work and get a head start. As a working mother it’s rough most days to wake up as early as 6:30am-7:45am to fall asleep after 12am. Some days I’m nodding off in front of my laptop or computer chair trying my best to stay awake. Especially now during the season of sickness where if one of us gets sick. Mostly like we will all be sick.

I didn’t blog as much as I wanted to this month. Sometimes being so busy can take it’s toll. Emotionally and at times even physically but I enjoy this. Putting my thoughts and energy into the universe to make things a little more positive for someone or anyone. I try to be there for those I care about and spend the quality time they want or need. Even if it means virtual Starbucks dates with friends as I sit in my car and we laugh about things we catch up on. These small moments are what I love in my friendships with people. The ones I game with, talk to every other day and the ones who uplift each other. The holidays tend to be a time of happiness and even heartbreak. So trying to find the good in a time where things have been dark for some time keeps me going.

With the extra time I have I can fit in some readings in my schedule. If anyone’s interested feel free to reach out in my social links below or text my business number at: +1 (917) 635-7597 so we can set something up. Stay sweet everyone. Happy Holidays!

Life, motherhood

Random Thoughts: Making Time

As someone who’s constantly on the go. And I mean this in every sense. Whether it be physically or mentally. It’s hard to make time for yourself and perhaps others. This is your reminder to do so. Self love. Self care. And find balance in your life. Take a few minutes to breathe. Call someone who makes you happy or take a walk. Whatever it takes to bring you back from turmoil. Cry it out if you need to. Life can be hard. It’s okay to not be okay.

I have a lot of moments like this as a mother. Motherhood is a still something I struggle with emotionally every day. I love my babies. They’re my world. It’s easy to forget about myself in the heat of things. When they’re crying and need things. Once they’re in bed after a long and difficult day. The mom guilt comes in and there I am wishing I could of done better and wondering what I could of done better. But I try to remember that the best thing is to take care of myself. If I’m taking care of myself then I’m bringing that positivity into their lives as well. Even to those around me. Although it’s better said than done. Please try to make time for you.

Life, motherhood

Weekend Burn Outs: One Day at a Time

I do admit I’m learning to not be a procrastinator since it’s stressful as the weekends approach. Each week the same dance happens where college term comes and I’m handing things in late and continue to put things in the back burner. Only to stress and rush to focus for hours til I’m burned out and on my wits end. During the week I work part time and have my boys. I worry about every little thing. What to cook, what to clean, where to start, doing the tasks asked of me along with much more. Lately I find myself stopping to take a breath. Worrying about the amount of stress I endure and experience.

Will this be forever? Maybe. But I want to find a way to endure while also finding peace. I’ve learned to take naps when I can. Attempt one to two tasks a day and keep a rhythm. This has so far been helpful. The stress although fairly high doesn’t not put me in a state of shutting down and full on panic anymore. I’ve questioned my mental health and slowly have returned to having moments of self care. These moments I get to love myself and be selfish for 5 minutes. The burn out lasts so long. Monday comes again with the linger of anxiety for the week. Relief of being able to accomplish some tasks. Grateful to have made it through a weekend.

I’m learning.

One day at a time. I’ll make it through. Motherhood isn’t easy but it’s special in its own way. A journey of never ending wonder and surprises. Always learning and permanently tired.

Life, motherhood

Growing from One to Two Earthside

It’s difficult when you’ve experienced loss of pregnancy. Every pregnancy after you’re stuck in a limbo of what ifs and worry for any news that’ll shake your wold. Every appointment you wonder if the doctors will tell you something a parent never wants to hear. It takes away some but not all of those little joys of being pregnant. The excitement of an ultrasound replaced by anxiety right before. It feels like you’re holding your breath and waiting until they’re in your arms. Even after a successful pregnancy. I still had those nerves being pregnant a fourth time.

Time went by quicker this time. I almost didn’t want the day to come from how unready I felt. Then I remembered that nothing prepares you 100 percent for motherhood. Whether it be the first time you’re becoming a mother or anytime after that. A toddler and a newborn? It was going to be surreal.

Now, that we have our second earth-side son here. I forget how small newborns are. How cuddly they can be all curled up in your chest and you don’t want to move cause you want the moment to last forever. To be their safe place a little while longer before they cry for a feeding or a change. I wasn’t sure how I would feel after having our first earth-side son for over 2 years. I was worried that I would feel too overwhelmed and have mixed emotions. It’s amazing what emotions will do. I honestly felt myself grow. Your heart and soul expands. It’s as if the world around you becomes bigger with love to welcome another child into your life. The pieces fall into place and soon it’s almost as if they were meant to be.

As of now I’m 2 weeks postpartum and to be honest this time around feels a bit easier with the jitters. I know as the weeks go by there will be easy days as there will be difficult days. Especially, once my husband returns to work from family leave. For now I want to soak up these moments while I heal. I’ll share my labor story and raw postpartum with time. I still have days where it feels surreal that I have two kids with me now. Somehow it feels so right and almost impossible based on what we went through. But, I think it was meant to be.


Transitioning from a Stay at Home Mom to a Working Mom

I was nervous for my first day. Wondering how I would be. I was a mother that had been through more than I should have in the almost 4 years I hadn’t worked. Every time I thought I could go back. I couldn’t.

How could I? After everything. I thought I was forever meant to be at home. That I wasn’t fit to work again after all as I walked in with what I was sure the anxiety written all over my face and smile.

Would they like me?

Can I do this?

Will I mess up and they’ll not want me there anymore?

I asked myself all this the whole time I was in training.

But I made it through. I took a deep breath and did my best to absorb everything I was being told. Asked questions when necessary. Time flew by and I eased into the routine. By the 4th day I felt comfortable enough to do the morning routine alone.

My son was with my mother who I trusted 100 percent. I’m so glad that we have her to help us with him considering how much my son loves her. Husband supported my decision to return to work and helps me in the morning preparing our son. I’m amazed at how much love and support I’ve had through this. I miss my son. I miss being home with him, the cats and succulents. But I know work would be good for me. I hope to truly to continue loving where I am and discover who I’m becoming as I start a new chapter in my life.

Life, Shedding my Weight, weight loss

Weight loss and Hormones

Getting on that scale every Friday is intimidating. I look forward to it to see what’s working and what’s not. I don’t because I’m afraid to fail. As a woman of course every month I go through a week of having my menstrual (yes, my period) and the cravings used to be for Oreos. Not that I would deny having an Oreo milkshake even now. However, it’s usually much less likely for me to deny any while dealing cramps.

Luckily, I’ve been able to curb the cravings so far. I don’t deny myself the sweets. I only taste and move on for the most part. Besides, the protein shakes and afternoon walks really do curb the cravings as much as it can. I’m proud to say that although before my vacation I lost 3 pounds and gained 4. I was able to lost 7 lbs since coming back September 12. It’s been a month and 7 lbs is progress. Although I’m sure I can lose more. I’ll continue to do so. I’ll take as much as I can get at this point. Even if it’s 1lb a week. I’ll share more as I go. For now it’s only protein in the morning. Less carbs. More water. Combined with intermittent fasting. Hopefully I’ll continue losing every week!

Grief, Life, motherhood

Three without You

Happy birthday my Rosebud. It’s been three years.

Three years I’ll never get with you,

-even I find it hard to believe it’s true.

Three years I’ve dealt with this grief,

-still in on our minds even if it’s brief.

Three years that still haunt me today,

-some days I still ask myself if I’m okay.

Three years here without you here,

-Yet, our love for you never disappeared.

For those that don’t know. I was suppose to have a daughter January 2017. But life has other plans and she was born August 2016. Every year I write a poem. We eat out and silently celebrate her. As I reminisce in my pregnancy with her. She was my first. The one that gave me all those first feelings. Doubts. Dreams. All that I can ever hope for in the 4 months that I carried her. If you’ve been through this I’m so sorry. Life heals. Life gets better. You never forget, you just find a new way to live.