
Time is Flying

Looking back a year ago. I can almost remember what I was doing during this time of the month. I was mostly likely waking up rushing to get ready for work along side my husband. Getting out the house with a child and three cats to feed can be a bit difficult. But I always appreciated the team effort with my husband.

Once the cold air hit my face we were off with the stroller. I enjoyed the silence together in the morning. Husband and I wouldn’t talk until we dropped our son off to my mother and be on our way to work. We always have random chatters and he sees me off on my train stop. Only to text me he misses me right after. The day would commence and I thought things would continue in this routine. A routine I had contently settled into for the past three months before pandemic hit…

There’s been so much in between since then. Things that I both miss and yet there things I’m currently grateful for that occurred during pandemic. One of these days I’ll talk about it and open up about the details in between. The struggles, the losses and small accomplishments. I hope to come back and share myself again and what I’ve learned in this new chapter in our lives that is yet to end.


New Normal: Staying Home

Adjusting has been difficult to say the least. There are days things aren’t difficult. You take things as they come. Unexpected turns are made and there’s so many thoughts in place. You’re just shocked you sleep through the night.

My life has been hectic. You’d think being at home meant being less busy. Not the case at all. Between decluttering the whole house and not working from home anymore with a now 2 year old. It’s impossible not to be busy! I’m also still cooking from home at least 2 times a week. I order out if possible. (Grubhub is tempting to say the least. We are so guilty of not passing up a good deal). I only go out maybe twice a month only for groceries or to step outside front for my plants and watch my husband run around with our son. Life’s been calmer and mentally hectic more than anything.

My cyber social life has skyrocketed. I’m back to playing video games mostly ps4 and animal crossing on the switch. Binge watching anime again with my husband. Things that got me through so much in life already. It’s starting to feel like there’s not enough time in a day for everything to be done. But, I value our health and how we’ve dealt through this quarantine. My husband comes home with stories of how the outside has been doing. I can’t help but weirdly realize how much things around us have changed. Few months ago we were planning with friends and family to gather for a picnics and going to Central Park. Now it’s animal crossing and group chats with memes and venting sessions. Daily face times to check in with each other.

Living in NYC with the virus it’s hard to see an end to this. Though there are many pros and cons. It feels unreal. To not be able to leave when you want. Questioning yourself as you get ready to run an errand if it’s absolutely necessary. Anyone else forget their mask while walking outside and turning around to run back to get it? (ME!) The amount of tension outside is thicker than the air itself. You feel it come off people in waves. The split second horror on people’s faces when someone clears their throat.

It’s hard to say “I’m okay” when things aren’t like they used to be. Change sometimes can come in increments. But this was thrown at everyone and it’s difficult to even handle it with grace. I hope we can all get through this.

I’ll try to post more as time goes. Probably lighter things and small successes I’ve had personally. But I just had to get this out of the way. Stay safe everyone. Much love always. I’m still active in my succulent insta @everlasting_echeverias


Loving Myself

Some days are harder than others. My walls sometimes come down and I’m left vulnerable. I don’t even realize it sometimes until something happens. If someone talks to me a different way. When my son seems to only want to be with everyone else except me. If my husband is having a bad day. When someone at work gives a sharp tongue without meaning to. I feel it. They’re like paper cuts in my soul that sting throughout the day. I sense all the positivity and confidence leave me. It’s crazy how all the good takes so long to fill. Yet, it’s so quick to leave all the same. I’ve learned lately to build walls but to always leave a hole open. Others may see this as a weakness. But I see it as opportunity.

I know I will be hurt.

I know I’ll have low and high days.

I know my confidence will drain.

But I’ll take it easy. I’ll be kind to myself cause I’m not perfect. No one is. I’ll love myself even if in the moment I don’t feel loved. Self love is a beautiful thing. It’s not selfish. It’s hard to do everyday. But if I love myself a little more. I’ll be okay. Not always but one day.

Thanks for reading everyone and for those who like my posts. Thank you for doing so. I’m trying to be more active on here. For now enjoy a pic of my sleeping cat on the computer chair that my husband and him fight over every time. It’s almost a daily affair that makes us all laugh. Sometimes I wish I had his life for a day. His face is so peaceful.

Life, Succulent/Plants

Everlasting Echeverias

I did it! I made an instagram to start posting one succulent a day and seeing how long it takes me to finish going through them all! I swear I probably have more than 150 different ones. Mostly Echeverias if I’m honest. They’re my weakness especially pink ones.

Luckily, succulents don’t require much care to keep them happy. Especially smaller Echeverias that I’ve dealt with. I’ve been stressed a bit with my sea dragon and it’s leaves dropping. Seems like I can’t keep it happy unfortunately and that I might lose it. I recently planted it in better draining soil and giving it more light than all my others. It’s perking up but I’m wondering if the damage is done. Guess I’ll never know now.

It’s been hectic working, being a mother and wife. While trying to keep up with succulent care, blog, daily tasks and an almost non existent social life. Not that I’m upset about it. Personally I love how my friends and I are. Sometimes one night out is all we need to refresh and catch up on everything before going about our lives.

Anyway, that’s my update for now. Follow me and my succulents: @Everlasting_echeverias

Till next time my beloveds.

Life, Succulent/Plants

Why Succulents?

Sometimes it’s weird how we discover hobbies that we never thought we would be into. At first, I started off with a small terrarium plant. I realized it wasn’t happy at all in it and I researched how to take care of these new succulents of mine. One thing led to another and suddenly I was finding beautiful succulents all over online. Purchased some and I never turned back since then. It was therapeutic to wake up and go through my morning routine. Let my son unwind a bit and check on these beauties from time to time. I eventually started purchasing more and joined some Facebook groups to share the love about succulents. It’s amazing who you meet and talk to. Sharing tips and advice when needed. Sharing photos of the different types there are. I’ve met some amazing people through all this and I couldn’t be happier tending to my plants. I get to admire their beauty. Watch them grow and change in color from time to time. Recently I’ve been into pinks and peach colors lately. Sometimes purples, greens and blues (reminds me of mermaids). It’s nice to be kept busy. It’s weird to think I was/still a gamer. I use to play a lot before my son. I miss it sometimes but it’s nice to find something new and exciting to do. I have low and high days emotionally and get easily overwhelmed by things at times so having a hobby does help deal with a lot of the anxiety, stress and depression I tend to deal with. Although it’s not a cure. It’s something to help through those tough days. The days where I feel like I’m not enough as a mother or wife. Those days where I feel like my grief is lingering longer than usual. So why succulents? Well, cause they make me happy and appreciate the beauty of nature. Sharing that love with other people. You start to find yourself again. A little help sometimes goes a long way.

Thanks for reading if you reached this far. It’s hard to put into words how one hobby and a bunch of plants can help. It’s the strangest thing. Anyone else have a hobby they love? Comment below and share your passion.

Life, Succulent/Plants

Growing Succulent Collection

I started off with about 14 plants back in the beginning of October. I didn’t think much of it cause since I was never a “plant” person. Well…I was wrong. Since then, which only a month has passed, I’ve gotten over 100 succulents in over 80 varieties. Crazy right? They weren’t kidding when they said you’ll get addicted and still more pending to come. I have everything from common varieties to rare Korean imports in my collection. I eventually am looking to sell some of them in the future if they happen to have offsprings or if I run out of room and have to cut down. My top favorites at the moment are many but I’ll name three in the order of my favorites with photos down below and where/who I got them from. If you’re looking for anything different or similar I recommend joining Succulent Market Place on Facebook. There’s so many beautiful and different kinds of succulents sold. Thank you for reading and comment below if you’re a fellow succulent addict like myself! I’ll post more of my collection soon if anyone’s interested. Much love everyone!

Echeveria Sea Dragon from The Sacred Succulent

Echeveria Monroe from The Sacred Succulent

Echeveria Lingxue from Lynn Zou in Succulent Market Place

Grief, Life

Pets are more than just Animals

It’s odd how these little creatures leave the biggest impressions in our hearts. They can only live for so long and it’s heartbreaking to even think when they come to you at any point of your life or their lives. That one day they’ll leave you.

I used to be a dog person. Least I thought I was. I love them yet I wouldn’t want to have one since it doesn’t fit our lifestyle personally. I ended up with three cats somehow (I like to pretend they showed up here one day lol) and never looked back. Everyday they bring some kind of laughter and comfort to all of us while also being a pain. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

They’ve grounded me more than I can express words. My third cat I got after losing my daughter. The first two comforted me through some tough times. Simple things like being frustrated at work to sad days. But, nothing like trauma and grief. I’ve never seen them so anxious and smothering. Cats aren’t known to be as affectionate as dogs. Including my own. They enjoy our company but don’t find us holding them for a long period of time pleasant at all. It was the next morning after my loss that I woke up and there it was. That feeling of never wanting to get out of bed to fave the world ever again. A silence so deafening I could scream so I turned around to try and sleep to find my two fluff balls on the bed with me. Normally, they don’t get along or would of meowed for more food or at least looked up at me. Instead they decided to come closer to curl up near my body, their ears perked up as the tears came, the silence broken with the sobs. The sobs of a heartbroken soul. They pitted silently and I fell asleep. This happened for about a week straight. My husband would have to take them off the bed or wake them up to lay in bed with me. I found it sweet that they didn’t leave my side in the morning. It’s as if they were grieving with me…

I’m sure there’s so many stories like this one. Where these beautiful creatures help their humans more than they could ever comprehend. Most say “They’re just animals. They don’t know.” I beg to differ as I sit here with my son and mostly surrounded by at least one of them. Keeping an eye out always. Pets aren’t always just animals to people. They’re family.

Thank you for reading! Would love if anyone shared their stories related to their pets and the joy they bring you! Much love everyone. Till the next blog.


Getting Started with Succulents: Beginner Tools and Essentials Guide

As an Amazon associate I do earn commission from qualifying purchases from the links I provide below

I promise you that you’ll be obsessed the moment you start. There’s so many kinds of succulents it’s hard to choose rom all the beautiful kinds that there are! From tiny to large ones. Common to unique there’s a succulent (or succulents) for anyone! You’d think that would be easy. Then there’s the pots you choose. You can choose from terra-cotta, cement, ceramic and even wood types! The soil types, tools, etc. It can be a bit overwhelming. I cannot begin to tell you all the amount of information there is out there. As an amateur myself (started August of this year) just wanted to share some things that got me started.

Of course you’ll need succulents! My favorite place to order from so far have been from Mountain Crest Gardens. They have a large variety of succulents to get you started and has in depth information about the type you’re getting, lighting and watering needs. How big it’ll grow (both height and length wise). They come packaged so well! There are some delicate succulents that no matter what it’s almost impossible to avoid bruising. Be aware. I can warn you though that you’ll love what you see. Once I was done scrolling through and adding different succulents into my cart. I had over 20 in there and no signs of finishing. Of course I settled for the ones I felt I could NOT leave behind. If you decide to check them out you can use my referral link and you’ll receive 10 percent off your order: Mountain Crest 10 percent off!

Succulents ordered? Check. Now what?

Where to put them? There’s so many pots to choose from it’s insane. It’s important that they have drainage holes to let the water drain out. If you’re looking for something affordable I recommend terra-cotta pots. They let your plants breathe, come in all kinds of sizes and you can get them almost anywhere (Home depot, Lowe’s, Amazon). Here are some that I’ve found to get you started:

Set of 16 terra-cotta clay pots 3x3inches

Set of 9 terra-cotta clay pot 3.5 inch

If ceramic are more of your thing I would definitely recommend these:

Set of 6 geometric white ceramic succulent pots with Bamboo tray

Set of 6 white ceramic plant pots with bamboo tray

There’s also cement pots:

Set of 2 Cement Pot With Tray

Set of 3 different size cement plant pot

Or maybe you want something out of the ordinary, cute, and overall different:

Set of 4 Blue Seashell Plant Pots

Set of 4 Groot Plant Pots

Set of 6 ceramic wood pattern pots

These are just a few out of the many that Amazon offers. Always make sure to check sizes and measure how big they are beforehand by reading the measurements. Sometimes pots are tinier than expected or bigger.

Okay, now to the important part of potting them. The soil and/or fertilizer. Succulents needs well draining soil. Personally I mix cactus soil with gritty mix to achieve better drainage. They only need to be fertilized once a month during their growing months (there’s winter dormant and summer dormant succulents).

Here’s some soil and gritty mix that I’ve used so far:

Hoffman Organic cactus succulent soil 2 pack

Organic succulent and cactus soil mix

Next Gardner succulent Gritty Mix

These can also be added to the soil or used as a top dressing:

Next Gardner Red Lava rocks

Next Gardner White Onyx Top dressing

Another place I like to order grit mix from is Bonsai Jack. I order their grit by the gallons (used 5 gallons myself and ordered some for others) since surprisingly it goes quickly every time!

Fertilizer I’m currently using once a month: Cute Farms Succulent, Cacti, Aloe Monthly Fertilizer Formula

Last but not least: Tools! For the most part the tools are mostly to help make potting and getting your succulent well put together easier. If you prefer to use your hands or things you have around the house. Feel free to do so! These are just some tools to get you started in case you don’t have any. Especially if it’s your first time getting succulents or cactuses (like me!)

Tools I’ve gotten and used so far:

13 piece Mini garden tools set

There’s many more with more pieces. Definitely check them out and see if it’s something you’ll need to get your succulent addiction started!

I’ll be posting more about succulents with tips or tricks and the things I add to my collection, where I get it from as time goes. Let me know below if this helped you or if there’s anything else I should add. This is what worked for me so far. I love sharing these beauties and giving advice. Feel free to comment below anything else that I missed. Much love and happy planting!

Some pics of my beauties *cover photo is part of my setup*

*Some links provided I do earn commission on qualifying purchases as an Amazon affiliate*


The Succulent Life

Recently started a new hobby. It’s crazy how things start from something as simple as an idea. I’ve always wanted plants in my home. I feel like they brighten a room. Add flair to the home. But, I never fully looked into it. Every plant I would see whether it be at Aldi’s, Bjs, or a supermarket we’re usually toxic for the cats. I didn’t want to take the chance of something happening. You never know with these critters.

As most may know I purchased some succulents in a terrarium at aldis after looking up if they were toxic to my fur babies. Apparently, they’re not! I was excited. Now that went from that to purchasing more succulents, learning their names, their individual care, joining Facebook groups. The whole mile. I find that it’s more enjoyable than I thought. I went from one container of plants to 11 soon to be 14! I’m telling you all. It’s addicting. Hopefully I have a green thumb. I shall lost the ones I have so far both scientific and given name/type:

-Echeveria “Morning Beauty”

-Cryptanthus “Pink Earth Star”

-Aloe Albiflora (not sure but closest ID)

-Graptopetalum paraguayense “Ghost plant aka Mother of Pearl”

-Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg

*Plants on the way*

-Sempervivum “Black Lotus”

-Sempervivum “Bronze Pastel”

-Graptoveria “Debbie”

-Green rosette looking plant (not sure)

That’s my collection so far! I’ll share some before and after pictures of what I did with the space in my bedroom. These shelves have been a life saver!



Can’t wait for the others to come in. The shelves make it look so organized and lovely. I totally recommend them. Hopefully I have a green thumb. I’ll be sharing my trial and errors with my succulents. Good or bad. Hobbies are learned through trial and error. Wish me luck!

*As an Amazon Associate I do earn commission on qualifying purchases* Succulents are excellent beginner plants for those who would like to start gardening or simply adding life to their home. There’s different ones to fit any lifestyle from bright light to low light areas. They hardly need to be watered. But, they’re also easy to kill if they’re overwatered or under watered. They susceptible to things like mealy bugs, root rot, sunburn etc. Always do your research when getting these beauties.


Green and Loved

I’ve always wanted a plant to brighten and liven things up a bit in my home. It’s hard because having three cats there’s so many plants that can be poisonous and I rather look in person than online. It was long forgotten till today. I was able to get a terrarium succulent while grocery shopping today. It’s adorable, small and I fell in love with it. I researched how to care for it. Bought the fertilizer for it every month. Put it in my room (which faces south and has bright light coming in) and now we have a lovely little plant. Hopefully these cats don’t try to mess with it. They were more curious than anything. We shall see how it progresses. I never took care of a plant or even owned one in the past four years. Do I have a green thumb? Or will this be an epic fail…

Enjoy this photo of my cat Makoto checking out our new addition

Any tips about succulents or plants that aren’t poisonous to my cats while being easy to take care of. Let me know in the comments! Or drop a comment if you have a succulent and let me know how it’s doing.