
Succulents during the Winter

The cold is getting near for us here in the city that never sleeps. It’s insane how quickly the weather can change. One day you’re out in a T-shirt and jeans. The next you’ll need a hoodie to help with the chilly winds. Pretty soon I’ll have to take out our coats for the winter even though fall started not too long ago.

I recently started a succulent collection that has exponentially grown since my past posts. I plan on sharing what I have perhaps in another post when I’ve received most or all. Most of them have been indoors and some outside. But that doesn’t come with its own hardships. You see I miscalculated how much I would actually need for all these beauties once the cold came around. Most of my collection consists of many different echeveria species. Those cannot handle any kind of frost or temperature below freezing. Some of course could handle even 20 degrees Fahrenheit but I rather not risk it. As of now some are outside until I can get them inside. To prepare I’ve started to make space mostly in my bedroom with the shelving and another spot where I have grow lights. That’s right. Grow lights! Even if it’s winter and most of my beauties are dormant or going dormant they still need adequate lighting to be happy. I ended up getting both red/blue lights and full spectrum lights. It has a timer that gives me the option to have it on 3, 6 or 12 hours. Shuts off and then turns on early the next day depending on the time I set it. Gladly because I don’t think I’ll remember every day to be turning it on and off constantly. If you ask me I truly prefer the full spectrum yellow/white lights. It captures some of the lovely colors of my succulents when I take photos. Meanwhile the red/blue is complicated to take photos with and see if anything is wrong sometimes. Also, I’m sure my neighbors who can see our window from a distance are probably wondering why there’s a weird purple light coming from our window. (Don’t get the wrong idea now the succulents are innocent). So if you’re looking to get some grow lights I would highly suggest these grow lights:

LED Grow Light for Indoor Plant 45W LED Auto ON/Off Timer Full Spectrum Plant Lights

Grow Light, WAKYME Plant Lights 10 Dimmable Levels 30W Full Spectrum LED Grow Lamp, Memory Auto ON and Off 3-9-12H Timer, 3 Spectrum Adjustable Gooseneck Plant Lamp for Indoor Plant

I also realized that I needed multiple for my growing collection. The more succulents I get. The more lights I need to fulfill their need for light. I swear this house is about be bright all day if I continue down this path. But I’ll do what it takes to make these beauties happy. Be aware that the change in atmosphere and weather can make some sensitive ones go into a little shock. Keep a close eye. Also it’s good to have a fan or open windows to help air circulate around. They love that. I try to always keep two windows cracked to create a draft for most of the day. Keep an eye on watering, temperature in your home or separate place you keep them. Sometimes winter make most of them dormant so water isn’t completely necessary unless you see signs of thirst.

*As an Amazon affiliate I do earn commission from qualifying purchases*

Thank you for reading. Honestly, this hobby has taken a good chunk of my time and I do love blogging about it. I hope everyone isn’t annoyed already. Much love and always feel free to comment and ask questions. Much love!

Life, Succulent/Plants

Growing Succulent Collection

I started off with about 14 plants back in the beginning of October. I didn’t think much of it cause since I was never a “plant” person. Well…I was wrong. Since then, which only a month has passed, I’ve gotten over 100 succulents in over 80 varieties. Crazy right? They weren’t kidding when they said you’ll get addicted and still more pending to come. I have everything from common varieties to rare Korean imports in my collection. I eventually am looking to sell some of them in the future if they happen to have offsprings or if I run out of room and have to cut down. My top favorites at the moment are many but I’ll name three in the order of my favorites with photos down below and where/who I got them from. If you’re looking for anything different or similar I recommend joining Succulent Market Place on Facebook. There’s so many beautiful and different kinds of succulents sold. Thank you for reading and comment below if you’re a fellow succulent addict like myself! I’ll post more of my collection soon if anyone’s interested. Much love everyone!

Echeveria Sea Dragon from The Sacred Succulent

Echeveria Monroe from The Sacred Succulent

Echeveria Lingxue from Lynn Zou in Succulent Market Place


The Succulent Life

Recently started a new hobby. It’s crazy how things start from something as simple as an idea. I’ve always wanted plants in my home. I feel like they brighten a room. Add flair to the home. But, I never fully looked into it. Every plant I would see whether it be at Aldi’s, Bjs, or a supermarket we’re usually toxic for the cats. I didn’t want to take the chance of something happening. You never know with these critters.

As most may know I purchased some succulents in a terrarium at aldis after looking up if they were toxic to my fur babies. Apparently, they’re not! I was excited. Now that went from that to purchasing more succulents, learning their names, their individual care, joining Facebook groups. The whole mile. I find that it’s more enjoyable than I thought. I went from one container of plants to 11 soon to be 14! I’m telling you all. It’s addicting. Hopefully I have a green thumb. I shall lost the ones I have so far both scientific and given name/type:

-Echeveria “Morning Beauty”

-Cryptanthus “Pink Earth Star”

-Aloe Albiflora (not sure but closest ID)

-Graptopetalum paraguayense “Ghost plant aka Mother of Pearl”

-Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg

*Plants on the way*

-Sempervivum “Black Lotus”

-Sempervivum “Bronze Pastel”

-Graptoveria “Debbie”

-Green rosette looking plant (not sure)

That’s my collection so far! I’ll share some before and after pictures of what I did with the space in my bedroom. These shelves have been a life saver!



Can’t wait for the others to come in. The shelves make it look so organized and lovely. I totally recommend them. Hopefully I have a green thumb. I’ll be sharing my trial and errors with my succulents. Good or bad. Hobbies are learned through trial and error. Wish me luck!

*As an Amazon Associate I do earn commission on qualifying purchases* Succulents are excellent beginner plants for those who would like to start gardening or simply adding life to their home. There’s different ones to fit any lifestyle from bright light to low light areas. They hardly need to be watered. But, they’re also easy to kill if they’re overwatered or under watered. They susceptible to things like mealy bugs, root rot, sunburn etc. Always do your research when getting these beauties.


Green and Loved

I’ve always wanted a plant to brighten and liven things up a bit in my home. It’s hard because having three cats there’s so many plants that can be poisonous and I rather look in person than online. It was long forgotten till today. I was able to get a terrarium succulent while grocery shopping today. It’s adorable, small and I fell in love with it. I researched how to care for it. Bought the fertilizer for it every month. Put it in my room (which faces south and has bright light coming in) and now we have a lovely little plant. Hopefully these cats don’t try to mess with it. They were more curious than anything. We shall see how it progresses. I never took care of a plant or even owned one in the past four years. Do I have a green thumb? Or will this be an epic fail…

Enjoy this photo of my cat Makoto checking out our new addition

Any tips about succulents or plants that aren’t poisonous to my cats while being easy to take care of. Let me know in the comments! Or drop a comment if you have a succulent and let me know how it’s doing.