Hobbies, Life, Tarot/Card Readings

Tarot Tuesday: Card of the Week and Power Animal Wonders

Ruler of Cups

Back with another Tarot pull for the week. Here we have Ruler of Cups: Balance, Compassion, and Kindness. It signifies a balance between head and heart. A sign of leadership and the balance of emotions. Whether I’m being challenged personally or enduring a challenge. I must remain mature and level headed to keep peace amongst all. Keep in mind that this card is also known as King of Cups when searched.

As you can see I also am using another cloth. As someone who always felt connected to orcas I felt as though this was the perfect cloth to use for my spiritual readings. I sense that there’s a reason I dream of an orca when trouble comes my way and when life becomes overwhelming. I’m still searching and trying to figure out the meaning. Is there a deity at play? A past I’m trying to connect with? A spiritual line I’m accessing? So many questions and I find myself wondering after all this time. Does anyone else have dreams they feel emotionally connected with? Or a power animal that comes to them or has been with them for as long as they can remember?

Many have asked me where did I get my cards. And they’re from Threads of Fate ; they have a good amount of options to choose from and they’re absolutely gorgeous in person. There are many options to Tarot. Pick the one that draws you in. Whether it be from them or cards from Etsy. Only you can choose what works for you and which you feel connected with. Good luck and blessed be everyone.

Dream Journal, Life

Spiritual Dreaming

Ever since I was young. I’ve been dreaming (literally) almost my whole life as far as I can remember. Anywhere between random, happy, or nightmares. I’m not sure when the nightmares began. I was probably about five which is normal for any child to have night terrors. You eventually think it’ll be something you grow out of. You start to even avoid horror movies or creepy stories. Just to see if you can avoid having nightmares. Unfortunately, I never grew out of it. I wonder if it’s my overactive imagination or my emotions have a way of showing itself to me in the most horrible ways. It went to the point that while dreaming, I developed (well my brain somewhere did this) some sort of way to protect itself during these times of horrors or protect myself from “real” life. It’s almost as if another part of myself talks and interacts with me when I need it the most.

Another thing I’ve noticed. Not sure if it this applies to my obsession with orcas when I was younger but when I was young. I would always dream about an orca when I was scared or struggling through life. If I was near a body of water in my dream. I would see either it’s tail or dorsal fin. I could see it has some sort of tribal “tattoos” while passing through. If I dreamt I was in the water. There was nothing. Just me in the water and slowly from the corner of my eye it would appear and pass by me. The dream is quiet as if all of sudden I’m deaf and nothing else matters but the connection between me and this orca. The tribal “tattoos” are a deep red from what I can remember. As an adult now, where I don’t watch anything that has to do with orcas. It almost feels like something I default to when I’m dreaming and going through a hard time in life. It’s either the orca or someone speaking to me in my dreams. The brain works in mysterious way I suppose.

Anyone else have vivid dreams? Dreamt of things before they happened? There’s so many other dreams I would like to share with y’all from my dream journal. Much love and take care!