Affiliate Links, Life, Product Review

Getting my License and First Car Experiences in NYC

As someone who’s never been interested in cars before. It’s funny how interests change as we get older or wiser. Living in NYC I never thought I would drive technically since I never saw the use of needed to since I traveled everywhere. But, things change after having kids. Its difficult with a stroller, two young kids, diaper bag for both, and my own things. Especially doing all of it alone and going upstairs? Downstairs? My anxiety peaked of from the thought of it alone.

After having our 2021 baby. I recovered and threw myself into driving lessons (again) and focused on passing the road test. Thankfully I did and a few days later purchased our first car: A White Honda CRV (Wayne…Batman reference anyone?)

Buying a first car is not exactly a walk in the park sometimes. You can spend hours at a dealership for paperwork and registrations. License plates and signatures. Dealing with insurances and what’s the best price etc. It’s a whole ordeal I didn’t think I’d find myself in. But here we are.

Wayne was good to us. A nice 6 months of learning to drive with an suv type car and slowly learning the roads and responsibilities that come with a car and being on the road. I realize owning a car is a luxury and it’s something that once you have it, driving responsibly is key and should be practiced every day. (Don’t drink and drive, always signal, etc you know the drill)

Now, we decided to order an electric car. And recently we took delivery for the long awaited: Baymax our Tesla Model Y. Pictures incoming!

First Day
Baymax Decal Sticker Add on

We are rather excited to see what’s in store with owning an electric vehicle. It’s been interesting so far. We do charge with a 110 volt every few days if possible. Slow but gets the job done and it’s so fun driving this car. It feels sturdy and it takes time to get used to since there’s the one pedal accelerator and regenerative braking. Shifting gears with the right lever and the screen being the central control of the car. It’s overall a completely new experience. I hope this car lasts. And if you’re like me and love Big Hero 6, the Baymax decal sisters make the white seats look adorable. Updates coming soon about our ordering experience and pickup plus accessories we ordered. I’ll also do a tarot and Oracle draw over the weekend to make up for the week. Stay sweet lovelies!

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