Life, Shedding my Weight, weight loss

Weight Plateau, Process And New Changes

I’ve hit a weight plateau where I haven’t lost weight and don’t gain much either. At first I was afraid for my milk supply. Even with all the supplements I was taking I wasn’t sure if it would be enough but I am going to chance it til I see there’s an issue.

I started on this wellness journey with an oversupply of milk. was proud but also felt as though it was draining so much out of me I did not know what to do. I was eating about 2,300 calories and still lost 1-2 lbs a week for about a month. It wasn’t until the milk supply lowered that I could lower my intake to 2,100. The weight loss still slow but manageable. I eventually reached my goal weight and plateaued. I didn’t mind since it was difficult as a mother of two, working from home and doing school online. Most days I am exhausted and only wish to curl up to my husband to watch anime as the kids sleep. I have days where I wish my brain could take a moment and breathe. It’s been difficult to find that peace and center ground. But, I did find it again.

I am now taking 1,850 calories to start. I would say 50 percent of my diet is protein shakes and dinner/snacks have been my main solid foods. I am slowly changing what dinner looks like and still reducing portions for now. I take my supplements to make sure I continue to have a milk supply for my son , keep myself hydrated and fed. Next week I would like to start a strength training regimen since I made 12 weeks postpartum. It’s important that the body heals and teach yourself patience in this process. Love yourself and the body you’re in. Find the will to keep going cause there will be days you give in and want that fast food that you know you shouldn’t have right now. But, you keep going and repeat the process again. You can do this!

Next time I will talk about what I am eating and if its working since all this is all recent. There’s still room to tweak or improve. I am no expert and also want to get blood drawn in my next physical to make sure my body is tolerating the way it should. Everyone’s journey is not the same but inspirations sparks from places we least expect it to. It does help that when I start to feel like my world is heavy. My husband brings me my favorite: Salmon sushi.

Hope everyone is staying safe and as always: Stay Sweet

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