
NYC Comic Con 2019

The adventure never ends! My husband and I have been trying out best to get out there. Save money aside to attend events together. Last time we went to comic con was 2015 so it was about time to return! I love the atmosphere, cosplays and everyone enjoying their time. The booths and exclusive items. Artists selling their artworks. It’s amazing the amount of things you can get. It’s fairly easy to spend money on things and lose track from all the awesome things that are sold! Also can’t tell you how many times we stopped different cosplayers for photos. Mostly my sister in law honestly. I preferred taking the photos and exploring the booths for cool pieces to take home. Overall, I love the experience and will probably end up going every year if possible. If you want to see a few photos I took. Check out my Instagram. Next year, I’ll bring my camera and focus on getting much better photos. Anyone else enjoy going to comic con or other social events? Let me know below. Thanks for reading!

When I frame and put up all the artwork we purchased. I’ll post them up with the artist credentials for you all to check them out. I’m all about supporting artists and their well deserved work.

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